Systematic Student:
Event — Fairy Tale Fortnight
Interview with Marissa Meyer
Fairy vs. Faerie; a guest post with Laura
Review: The Princess Trio by Mette Ivie Harrison
Fairy Tales, Myths and World Building: Between the Sea and Sky
Acrostic Awesomeness + Children's Prize Pack Giveaway — CLOSED
Favorite Movie Adaptations with Titania
Giveaway: Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher — CLOSED
Enna Isilee's Favorite Fairy Tales +Giveaway
Interview with Eilis O'Neal
Review: Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher
Interview with Cindy Pon
Memory Monday: Deerskin by Robin McKinley
Interview with Diane Zahler + giveaway! — CLOSED
Once Upon a Time Series Favorites
Guest Review: Princess of Glass
Once Upon a Time series: Cover Discussion
Series Review: Once Upon a Time
My Fair Godmother Giveaway, courtesy of Sierra! — CLOSED
Review: Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
Interview with Zoë Marriott