Hello fairy-tale lovers! I’m back! Did you miss me? As a reminder, I’m Enna Isilee from Squeaky Books. I posted a guest post on “How Fairy Tales Changed My Life” last Friday on Misty’s blog, and now I’m here on Ashley’s blog to give you some recommendations and a giveaway!
I’ve compiled a list of fourteen (one for every day of the fortnight!) of my favorite fairy-tale retellings. Many of these have already been featured during Fairy Tale Fortnight, but I steered away from the well-known fairy tales (Beauty, Ella Enchanted etc.) on the chance that you some of these are new to you. Check out the end of the post for a giveaway!

Plain Kate Erin Bow (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: This book is not technically a twisted fairy tale, but I included it in this list because it reads like one. It’s light and fluffy, while still being deep and touching. While reading this book I laughed and I cried. It’s beautiful.

Entwined Heather Dixon (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: This one only just barely came out. It’s a retelling of the twelve dancing princesses and I love it because it does stick very closely to the original tale, while being completely unique. This story has a strong heroine, a dastardly villain, and the cutest love story ever. Fabulous.

Ice Sarah Beth Durst (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: There are lots of retellings of “East of the Sun, West of the Moon” but this is my favorite one that I’ve found. Sarah has written a number of fairy-tale books, and I think this is my favorite. It follows the typical fairy-tale arc, but manages to keep you on your toes for the entire book.

Shadow Spinner Susan Fletcher (Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: Based off the story of Scheherazade, this was one of the first twisted fairy tales I ever read. Susan has an AMAZING ability to tell a story. This book has a special place in my heart, as my mom read it aloud to me when I was a child, and I still have memories of me begging her to read just “one more chapter.”

Mira, Mirror Mette Ivie Harrison (My Review | Goodreads)
My thoughts: I included this book in the list because it’s so different. It takes its inspiration from Snow White, but is told from the perspective of the mirror, and the person trapped inside. Many people don’t like this book because of its odd format, and not-so-happy ending, but I found it powerful.

Keturah and Lord Death Martine Leavitt (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: This is also not based directly off a fairy-tale, I suppose it is a little like Scheherazade. This is a beautiful love story about an amazing girl and time period. I read this book years ago, and I still find snatches of its prose popping into my mind from time to time.

Wildwood Dancing Juliet Marillier (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: Honestly, all I can say about this book is that it’s brilliant! If you haven’t read it, do so now. It’s also based on the twelve dancing princesses, but only loosely. It’s more like a wild conglomeration of many tales.

The Swan Kingdom Zoe Marriott (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: I only just read this book a couple weeks ago and I absolutely ADORED it. It’s a retelling of “Wild Swans,” the only one I’ve read, in fact. By the time I reached the end of this book I was gasping, crying, and laughing aloud. Fabulous.

The Swan Maiden Heather Tomlinson (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: This was one of the first books I received for review. I loved it because it isn’t directly based off any tale (that I know of), but feels like it is. My absolute favorite part of this book is the French influences like that. There are lots of tales from Ireland, Eastern Europe, and such, but I’ve never read a French tale before. So nice.

Toads and Diamonds Heather Tomlinson (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: This was another recent read of mine. It’s based off the tale of the two sisters: one who speaks diamonds, one who speaks snakes. The author makes this tale so fascinating and original because both sisters see their “gifts” as a blessing, and strive to find out why they’ve been given their powers. It also is based in an Indian-like culture (as in India) which added some fabulous flavor. Only complaint about this one was that it was too short.

Dust City Robert Paul Weston (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: This book is so unique! It takes all the classic fairy tales you’ve ever read, and throws it into a New York setting. Ever wondered what the world would be like if there really were talking animals, fairies, and magic? Then what would happen if the magic went away? This book addresses all of those ideas in a very witty way.

Rapunzel’s Revenge Shannon Hale (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: I would be remiss if I didn’t throw in some Shannon Hale books. Rapunzel’s Revenge is a HI-larious take on the classic Rapunzel. Shannon wrote this book because she thought the tale was overtold, and I’m so glad! In this, Rapunzel is a kick-butt, lasso wielding, rockstar! This is a graphic novel, and is great for readers young and old!

The Goose Girl Shannon Hale (Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: I mentioned in my guest post on Misty’s Blog that this was the book that sparked my voracious love of the twisted fairy tale genre, and it’s true. This book is full of beautiful prose, unforgettable characters, and one of the best plots I’ve ever read in my entire life. If you haven’t read this book yet, I BEG you to please go find a copy. Please.

Book of a Thousand Days Shannon Hale (My Review | Goodreads | Amazon)
My thoughts: I’m going to end with my favorite. And I’m serious when I say that. Most of you probably couldn’t name your favorite book of all time, I can. This is it. This was the first ARC I ever received, and it is my favorite book of all time. Have I mentioned that? It’s touching, heartwarming, beautiful, amazing, lyrical, and every other positive adjective you can think of. Khan Tegus (the love interest in this book) has ruined all real men for me. It’s the world’s most perfect book.
What do you think? Have you read any of these? Would you like a chance to win one? Well, I like to consider myself TFT evangelist, and so I want to share these books with you! I’m going to give two people their choice of any book on this list! Unfortunately, my current financial situation and privacy limitations prevent me from shipping internationally, so this is only open to the US. But to two commenters I will give their choice of any of these fourteen books in any format you’d like (hardcover or paperback, availability permitting).
- Win your choice of any one of these fourteen books
- Giveaway runs 4/25-
5/5May 8! - TWO winners will be chosen
- Must be 13yo or older
- Must have US shipping address
- Leave a comment with which book you’d want to win in order to be entered
- Be sure to include your e-mail so I can contact you if you win! Or you just need to keep a careful eye out for the winner announcement.
- Get an extra entry by naming another of your favorite YA twisted fairy tale that wasn’t listed