This evening, we have Ems guesting today! Emily (Ems) blogs at In Which Ems Reviews Books and I've known her for a long time. She's one of my favorite IRL buds to talk books with, and whenever books are involved, we always have a great time.:) I'll let Emily take it from here with her review of Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George.

For those of you who read Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George, you’ll remember Princess Poppy. She was one of the sisters under the enchantment of the wicked King Under Stone (shudders).
Poppy makes a return appearance here, when she participates in a royal exchange program. The idea of the program is to create strong political alliances and possibly see some marriages too. It’s all going well, until we learn that a poor servant girl has been tricked by a wicked fairy godmother into impersonating a princess and trying to steal all the eligible men away from Poppy. The lengths she goes to in order to best Poppy are awesome. I couldn’t wait for each new ball to see what was going to happen next.
For lovers of fairy tales and fairy tale retellings, you’ll be in heaven. This one is masterfully done and seamlessly weaves elements of Cinderella in. You’ll get your fill of beautiful ball gowns, political and princess-y intrigue, fairy godmothers, and one rather plucky heroine.
I loved Poppy. She was one of my favorite characters in Princess of the Midnight Ball and I was thrilled to see her make a repeat appearance here. She’s the kind of heroine you can really get behind and cheer for. The gal who makes her own way in life, even though she’s a princess. The gal who takes matters into her own hands and doesn’t wait for someone else to do the dirty work. She’s a character who’s really easy to look up to.
I could go on and on about how much I love this book (and Jessica Day George’s other books too, for that matter), but I think you get the picture.
Just go read the book, okay?