A while back, I received my first blogger award, The Versatile Blogger from Becky at Escapism through Books.
Within the past ten days, I've received three more!:) I'd been trying to decide what to say about myself, and who to tag, when I received another one! (And then another!)
So, because I'm lazy, I'm going to combine all three awards into one post, and just give 7 facts once (but I'll make them really good ones) and 15 blogs I think you should check out!
The rules are: 1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award 2. Share 7 things about you 3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers you have recently discovered and think are fantastic! 4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award!
So, I would like the thank Savannah at Books with Bite for my second Versatile Blogger award (the first this time around). She did give it to me a while ago, but I've been out of town, and pretty busy. Next, I'd like to thank Kelsey, over at Kelsey's Book Corner for my the second award in this wave. Finally, I'd like to thank Lily who writes the blog After the Fall. Thanks so much to each of you ladies for passing on this award to me! It definitely helped make this week special!
Because it looks cool, here are each of my awards:

So, 7 facts about me:
~*~ My BS in Psychology. And you know what? I actually like Freud. I think he's brilliant and has a much better grasp on human nature, behavior and motivation than most people give him credit for. I really believe that most people who hang out in the Freud bashing camp don't actually understand what he's talking about. So there.
~*~ When I know I'm going to need to have one of those type big conversations with a person (confrontation, criticisms, What the *&^# do you think you're doing?! etc.) I will often have the entire conversation with myself first so that I can be prepared for whatever you are going to throw at me. You think you can catch me by surprise? Ha! I already planned for that contingency!
~*~ School has always been really easy for me. Tests too. I 'blame' reading. I think learning is easier for those people who have been long-time readers. (Preaching to the choir about that one, I'm sure.)
~*~ It gives me warm fuzzies to see (or hear from) people who don't read all too often with a book, especially when I am the one who recommended/provided that book.
~*~ Although I like movies, I don't watch a lot of them. I have a hard time blocking out that 2+ hour time slot to devote to a movie. I read instead, because I can pretend I'll only read one chapter (maybe two) before I get on to whatever else I really should be doing — even though I almost always spend longer reading than I would have spent watching the movie.
~*~ If I don't like what's happening in my book, I'll set it down for a minute, 'fix' the scene in my mind, so the characters do what I think they should have been doing, and then I'll keep reading, much happier.
~*~ I like Basshunter, which is Swedish techno. I believe this guy is one of those YouTube sensations, but it's crazy fun and I like it!
Thanks again to you three bloggers for recognizing me, and now for the blogs I would like to highlight:
(again, it should go without saying that I enjoy the blog's content, and the extra is just something fun to pique your interest)
1) Cynspiration because I like the crafty stuff. And the Bowser costume?! So cool!
2) Courtney Reads because her about me says 'book maniac' and all I could think is (song) She's a maniac, maniac!... (end song)
3) The Book Coop cuz I enjoy the owls.
4) Harmony's Radiant Reads because she says awesomesauce.
5) The Nerd's Wife because I think she's funny.
6) The Perpetual Page Turner because I want to and I like her flower.
7) Potter, Percy and I because it makes me really happy that she's a reader so young.
8) The Allure of Books because let's be real — books are alluring.
9) A Book Obsession because I have one too.
10) In the Which Ems Reviews Books because I enjoy her smiley faces.
11) Booksploring because I just found it, and I'm liking what I see.
12) Oodles of Books because I like the word oodles.
13) Cracking Spines and Taking Names because of the 7/30 post. 13-13-13... I love it!
14) Blkosiner's Book Blog because her header makes me think of a present.
15) A Chick Who Reads because I am too!
So there ya go. Check out these great blogs and let me know what you think! And, stayed tuned, because I have another post for another award coming soon. (Beams.)