So, I've been gone most of this week — out of town with no internet — so I haven't done much blogging. I'm hoping to correct that for next week. I've got a bunch of new stuff I want to try, so I'm excited to get back into things.
If you are visiting from the hop, Welcome! I'm glad to see you! Be sure to leave your blog url in the comments if you do visit so that I can return the favor! Also, feel free to enter my giveaway! It's a great book, and it's open for another few days! You know you want to!:)
I've also got some great things planned for the upcoming weeks. Another giveaway ready to go and a few author interviews as well. It should be pretty great, so stayed tuned!
Thanks to both Parajunkee and Crazy for Books for hosting these great memes! I have a lot of fun with them, and can't wait to get hopping around!