Wow. I can barely believe that I've already been blogging for a month. It definitely hasn't felt like it's been that long. I've loved it so far, so I definitely have to send a big thank you to my sister who finally pushed me to start the blog I'd been thinking about for months. She's great with the motivation, so thanks Cic!
So, to celebrate passing the one month mark, I've decided to hold my first contest/giveaway. I think it's a fun way to say thanks to all my readers for being so great. For this first contest, I want it to be about having fun with words, because that's why we are all here, right?!
I started my Word of the Day just over a week ago and decided that this would be a fun thing to incorporate into a contest/giveaway. So here it is!
To Enter:
All you need to do to enter is write me a sentence. Take one of the words I've used for my word of the day, past or present, (found here) and use it as creatively as possible in a sentence, and post it as a comment. The best/most creative sentence (as determined by myself, above mentioned sister and a well-read friend) will win!
For your entry — Please make ONE comment that includes your entry ANDyour email address, so I can contact you if you win. In a SECOND comment, add up any extra entries you've earned. (Please make sure that you are clearly identified in each post, and that it is clear which two posts belong to you. If I don't know who you are, I can't contact you when you win.) You may add the second comment at any time as long as I can clearly find which sentence belongs to you.
You may enter 1 (one) sentence.
The winner of the best sentence will receive their choice of a new dictionary or thesaurus as well as a custom-made bookmark incorporating their winning word. I will also tag the the winner's blog in the wrap up post, and highlight their blog in a reader's spotlight section.
If I receive enough entries, I will also use a random number generator (or my nephews pulling a number from a hat) to choose a second, random winner.
The random winner will receive both a custom bookmark and a blogger spotlight as well.
Although you may only have one sentence entry, you may gain extra entries for the random drawing by doing the following:
- follow my blog (+2 for old followers, +1 for new)
- become a fan of my facebook page, viewable here
- promote this contest elsewhere. (tweet, sidebar, post, facebook etc.) Please provide links! +1 for each, up to 2 extra.
You do not need to be a follower to enter this contest, although it will gain you extra entries in the random drawing. However, for some future giveaways, being a follower will be a requirement, and I will always offer something extra to those who were followers before the contest's publication date.
Keep in mind that this contest is meant to be fun! I want everyone to enjoy themselves. I would love to have people enter even if they are not interested in winning a dictionary or bookmark (although really, who ever has enough bookmarks!) because I want this to be a fun way to celebrate the one month birthday of my blog. So have some fun, and please, come help me celebrate and give me some great sentences!