I don't usually do a Mailbox-eqs post, partly because I don't usually get a ton of stuff, but mostly because I just... don't. But, this last week I got so much awesomeness that I just can't keep it all to myself, so I'm going to share it!:)

I participated in a blogger Secret Santa exchange, and my Secret Santa (Margot from Joyfully Retired) was made of awesome. I got a box which included a really pretty purple journal, a hardback copy of Revolutionby Jennifer Donnelly (in my blog for my review -loved it!) and a book called How to Plant a Tree. Each was individually wrapped, which is always lots of fun. I opened the tree book first, which I admit threw me for a minute, but then I opened the journal, which I included in a list of wants on a Chronicle Book list a few weeks back. I remembered that I had also linked a photographic coffee table volume of trees, with the aside, I seriously love trees. It's amazing how much thought she put into what to get me, and it definitely makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Basically, it was just amazing.:)
Then, as if that wasn't great enough, today I got 7 packages in the mail. In fact, my packages were the only mail that came today. We didn't even get any junk mail! 4 of those contained tour books, which I never bother mentioning, because I figure the reviews are usually up within a few weeks, so whatever, but the other three packages were all mine, and most exciting.
The first was a box from amazon, filled with books I've wanted for a while that I bought to get free shipping for my little brother's Christmas present. (I spent at least 15 dollars more than I would have spent on shipping, but I got new books!:) ) I bought Enchantress from the Stars by Sylvia Engdhal, The Thief and The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner, and The Prophet of Yonwood by Jeanne DePrau. Yay for books!

A while ago, Jamie at The Perpetual Page Turner had a birthday giveaway, and I won a journal. I love journals. When I was in high school, I wrote in them all the time. I filled 9 journals in 2 years. I can't promise that anything I said was at all interesting, but I was definitely diligent. I admit that now I seem to like the idea of a journal better than the actuality, but I still can't seem to stop buying/obtaining all these really pretty journals. I got my new journal today, and it's lovely. The pages don't have lines, which is, I admit, a potential problem, but there are really pretty flowers placed throughout the book, so I think I might turn it into something special, rather than the mundane ramblings of a potentially crazy person.;) Also included in that package was an 'Old School Ledger'! How cool is that?! The front has to-do lists with perforated edges, the middle looks like a way to track money, and the back is a lined notebook! I'm totally excited for it, and kind of wish I was cool enough to have something official to use it for.:)
And finally, the package I was the most excited for. Antony John had an awesome giveaway on his blog the other week, and I won!! I received a personalized copy of his novel, Five Flavors of Dumb, which I have wanted to read for a while now. It looks really interesting. And, I also received an ARC copy of Where She Went by Gayle Forman. This book has been eating at me for a while now, I want to read it so bad, so I was ecstatic when I found out I had won. Both books are definitely on my radar, and now they are mine! Mwa hahaha!;)
I'm so incredibly excited about everything that I got this week, I can't even handle it! It's beyond amazing. BooYa!