Adam over at Roof Beam Reader is hosting a challenge in 2011 using our long-standing tbr piles. The challenge is to chose 12 books, each that have been on your tbr for over a year (so no 2010 release dates) and read them. You must read all 12 to complete the challenge, but you have all year to do it, and the order doesn't matter. He also allows a little bit of wiggle room, giving us the option of 2 alternate book choices. You can read the specifics on his site here.

I love reading challenges, and I'm loving that this one draws exclusively from our tbr piles. There are so many great books that have been languishing in that pile for so long, that it will be nice to have an excuse to pull them out and read them.
Here's my list:
1. Frankenstein — Mary Shelley
2. The Sun Also Rises or A Farewell to Arms — Ernest Hemingway
3. The Secret Life of Bees — Sue Monk Kidd
4. Shadow of a Bull — Maia Wojcieowska
5. Surviving the Applewhites — Stephanie S. Tolan
6. The Golden Compass — Phillip Pullman
7. Rebecca — Daphne du Marier8. Freakonomics — Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
9. War of the Worlds — H.G. Wells
10. The Handmaid's Tale — Margaret Atwood
11. Ender's Game — Orson Scott Card
12. The Shining — Stephen King
13. Twenty Boy Summer — Sarah Ockler
14. The Five People You Met in Heaven — Mitch Albom