So, next week (Oct. 17-23) is ALA's Teen Read Week, and this years theme is Books with Beat. Teen Read Week is designed to help motivate teenagers to read, and they use a different theme each year to generate broader reading interest, and spotlight various books and authors. This year, the focus is on books about music, related to music, or books written in verse, etc. So, I've decided that I'm going to participate here on my blog. This week, all my reviews will be of books related in some way to music or a 'beat'. I'm hoping to have a new review up every day, but I'm not going to promise anything. I'll be posting a review more days than not, but I'm not totally sure yet how many books I'll be reviewing.
If anyone else is posting reviews related to Teen Read Week, I'd love to hear from you! Leave me a message or link in the comments, or send me an email! If I hear from you, I'll visit your blog, and I'll include your blog and links in a post here.:)

Becky over at Escapism through Books just tagged me, and I just I've decided to accept... So,
The Rules:
(1) Accept the tag and link to the tagger at the beginning of your post.
(2) Answer the questions honestly in your post by listing four things.
(3) Pass on the love by picking four other people to tag and listing them at the bottom of your post. Notify them that you tagged them.
Four Things In My Handbag:
- Cell phone
- A book (or books)
- Wallet
- Gum
- My books (duh)
- My bed
- Cool shelving
- My lamp. It's cool, and super convenient
- Currently broken laptop (hoping to get that fixed soon)
- To read pile
- Lots of pens/pencils
- Whatever junk I happened to have set down on it since the last time I cleaned it off
- Visit Europe
- Speak French, for real
- Go to the top of the Washington Monument
- Run as if being chased by a crazy madman through a large forest (a real one).
- Spending time with my nephews, and the rest of the family
- Reading
- Getting mail
- Listening to a baby (11 mo) laugh hysterically because of something I'm doing
- The theme song from Doug. It's been stuck in my head for over a year now. (Which sucks)
- Soul Sister by Train
- Mama Said by the Shirrelles
- Basshunter (seriously catchy Swedish techno.)
- I honestly believe that if I set my mind to it, and pick the right career that I can legitimately change the world.
- I'm too practical to believe that one person can do very much on their own. (Creates a bit of a dilemma there...)
- I'm really bad at saving money unless I have something specific to be saving towards, then I'm great at it.
- My dad thinks I should write a book about all the really weird people I've met in my life. And by met, I don't mean Hi, I'm Ashley. I mean 6 mo later they are riding past my house hoping to catch a glimpse of me, leave me creepy gifts in weird places without telling me who they are from, and declaring their love to me in really awkward ways and places. And that's just the stuff I feel comfortable sharing over the internet when I'm not totally sure who reads this page. I've never once lost the 'one up — my crazy person story is better than your crazy person story — game'. Not ever.
- Lori at The Next Best Book Blog
- Misty at Book Rat
- Adam at Roof Beam Reader
- April at Good Books & Good Wine