Today's post is part of the Teen Book Scene's tour for Priscilla the Great by Sybil Nelson. Josh, Prissy's older brother is here to talk to use today, and answer a few questions!
Overall, you have a pretty good relationship with your younger sister, Priscilla. I know growing up that I did not get along with my siblings at all, so I'm always interested in how siblings do get along. Why do you think the two of you have such a positive relationship?
I think it’s because we understand each other. Whenever one of us is in pain or depressed or something we can always relate it to something that is going on in our own lives and somehow just know what the other person is going through. Like one time when she was 8, she lost her favorite XMen comic. I didn’t laugh at her when she started crying. Instead, I just thought about how I would feel if I lost my Christina Aguilera CD and helped her look for it. I’m 16 and she’s 12, she’s a girl and I’m a boy, but we have this remarkable ability to empathize with each other. I think that’s the greatest super power of all.
Everything started to change when Priscilla started getting her powers. How did you really feel when you found out that your sister was basically a 12 year old superhero?
I was scared to death. I mean, she was hard enough to handle without powers. Now she can toss me over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It’s scary!
Do you believe that everything in life is pre-determined? Or, do you believe that we all have the power to create and change our own destinies. Our own futures.
That’s a tough question for a psychic and it’s something I actually have to deal with in book 4. See, my visions of the future are based on logical progressions of time. If something changes drastically, or I deal with illogical people (like Specimen Xi) then I can end up having multiple visions of alternate futures. So, yes, I believe that people are in control of their own destinies but only to a certain extent. Logic and probability will eventually weigh in as well.
Priscilla's gifts are a big responsibility. And, that's an awful lot of power for one small girl to possess. With how well you know your sister, do you think this power is going to go to her head, or change the person she is?
Definitely not. Don’t tell her this, but I think my sister is pretty amazing. She’s smarter than she thinks she is and more importantly, she’s a really caring person. Doing what’s right is in her blood. I can’t see her turning to the dark side or anything like one of her many comic book stories. Trust me, I can see the future!
What is your biggest fear?
Besides not having a date for prom my biggest fear at the moment is what super power my twin little brothers will have. Can you imagine a super powered version of Snot Wars? I’d rather not think about it.
Thank you so much Josh, for taking the time to talk to us today! Don't forget to stop by in April for my review of this great read! I had a lot of fun reading about Priscilla and friends, and I can't wait to share my thoughts with you!
Sybil Nelson has also offered a great prize pack for one lucky commenter! Just comment on any of the tour posts and you are automatically entered to win the pack, which includes:
1 signed copy of Priscilla the Great
1 Priscilla the Great t-shirt
1 Priscilla the Great totebag
& a $15 iTunes gift card!
The tour will run from March 14th until April 8th! in my blog to get a complete list of all the tour stops!