I'm really excited to be participating in Bloggiesta this year. The last Bloggiesta happened June of 2010, right after I started my blog. Although it looked like a lot of fun/really cool, it also seemed like it would be a little overwhelming to do Bloggiesta and be a brand new blogger. So, I hovered and stalked but didn't participate.
This year, however, I plan to participate fully! I have a lot of things that I would like to get done, more than I expect I will actually able to accomplish. However, I want to make it a priority to mark off at least half of my to-do list, something that I generally say I will do, but rarely, actually, do.
So, what do I want to do? Well, I'm glad you asked! I want to:
- Get caught up on reviews. I used to write reviews right after I finished the book. Now, I don't write the review until I'm ready to post it. Idealistically, I'd like to get completely caught up. Realistically, I'd like to write/schedule at least 9 reviews.
- Write up advance Memory Monday posts — at least 3.
- Memory Monday Guest Bloggers —
- Fairy Tale Fortnight! Work out reviews, button formatting, etc.
- A button for Memory Monday, and for my blog (finally...)
- Update all my pages, especially the Review Archive and Review Policy.
- Make sure my Goodreads reviews are up to date with my blog reviews.
- Clear out the blogs I follow — Meaning — Visit every blog I follow and read 5-7 posts well. Leave comments, interact etc. If I can't figure out why I'm following them — stop.
- Visit more blogs, and follow new blogs that I know I'm going to like better/more.
- Work out some ideas I've been having for discussion topics into actual posts.
- Explore the 'You might also like these posts' feature.
- Finish reading at least one of the three books I'm currently reading (so I don't feel guilty taking away blogging time by reading...)
I'd love to hear about what you are doing for Bloggiesta! Leave me a comment (preferably with a link... !) and I'll come check out what you are up to, and cheer you on!