Systematic Student + review

Bloggiesta Update — Day 1

Well, today was a bit of a crazy day. I'm staying with family (my Grandma's 85th birthday party is tomorrow) and there have been large amounts of people in and out of the house all day. Which means, I'm a bit easily distracted.:)

Anyway, I did manage to get two Memory Monday posts ready to go, as well as one review. I do plan to write up at least one more before I go to bed tonight, but I also want to visit a few more blogs, so we'll see what I actually end up doing.

I also visited several blogs and left encouragements and comments. I've found some new blogs I want to come back to, and I'm excited to find a few more.

I also took part in a few of the mini-challenges, and have saved a few more to work on over the next two days.

Oh, and I decided that whatever I'm doing for the SEO stuff is going to have to be enough, because I have no idea what I'm doing, and the articles I tried reading didn't make a whole lot of sense. This is probably a combination of not quite knowing exactly what the terms they used meant (although I did usually have a decently good idea) and being tired from working and then staring at a computer screen. So, I've kind of given up on the SEO stuff. I did Google variations of my blog name, and I do pop up right about the top, so right now, I'm good with that.

I plan to spend tomorrow working on my buttons and some more reviews, and well as visiting a bunch of the blogs I follow, as well as the Bloggiesta blogs. I know there are a lot of great blogs out there, and I'd like to add a few more to my 'follow' list, especially since I plan to clean up my list a little bit.

Although I spent a lot of time with the appropriate windows up and open, I probably only spent about 4 hours today actually working on Bloggiesta. But, I'm staying up a little later tonight than is wise to get a little more done, and I plan to be much more successful tomorrow. How did your first day go?

art, Bloggiesta, challenge, and more:

Bloggiesta Update — Day 1 + review