Torment by Lauren Kate is the sequel to Fallen. (review here.)
I wanted to read these books because I think the covers are beautiful. I did enjoy Fallen, and I expected to like Torment about equally. But, I did not. I have to say, I'm rather annoyed by this book.
Daniel and Luce are the main characters, and I did not like either one of them in this story, but I especially hated their relationship. Daniel can't get over the past enough to realize that this incarnation of Luce is different (obviously, because she didn't go up in flames when you kissed her) and he refuses to talk to her about anything. When he sees her, he tells her what she has to do (sort of), kisses her, fights with her, maybe flies with her, and then leaves without actually giving her any useful information. Luce is wildly in love with Daniel when they are making out, or when she thinks about how wonderful he is, and how fabulous their pasts were, but I got really tired, really fast of the 'I love you when you first show up, and while we are kissing, but the second our lips separate, I can no longer remember why I'm supposed to love you, and I'm doubting everything about our relationship'. BTW, in case everyone else missed this — that is not true love. That's hormones, aka — lust. They were in love in the past, they might really love each other in the future, but what Luce is talking about (I'm disgusted with you when I'm not around you, but when you touch me, I get all fuzzy headed/weak in the knees) is not love. Seriously.
Also, I have a hard time believing that Daniel truly loves her. I totally believe that he wants to be with her, and that he feels his life is tied to hers/completely dependent on hers. But, I believe that part of being in love is putting the other person ahead of your own needs. And, I don't see how kissing/killing her in incarnations spanning centuries is really saying, "I love you". He kills her, and puts all of her family members through agony. How is this love? The more Luce learned about her past, the less I wanted the two of them to actually end up together. That's not to say I want her with someone else, but I just do not like Daniel.
I do get that Daniel wants to protect her, but he really is a lot controlling. I don't blame Luce at all for being continuously frustrated with him, because he leaves her in the dark about everything. But, I also thought Luce was stupid about her anger. She put herself in danger over and over again because she needed to prove to herself and Daniel that he doesn't own me, and I can make my own choices, so there. Except, all her own choices were juvenille and destructive. I felt like she was sticking her tounge out at Daniel, almost a Na Na na Na na moment.
It really bothered me that no one would explain anything to Luce, because it's her life that's on the line. She's someone important, and it's pretty obvious that she's going to have a big role to play in the future, but no one thinks she needs any information about it. They brush off her concerns, refuse to help her understand, and dictate her life for her, because it's safer that way.
About the only characters I liked in this book were Miles and Shelby, and even they felt a little stiff/forced at times. I really liked Arriane in the first book, so I was excited when she reappears her. Except, she acts just like everyone else. She lost the parts of her personality that made her so much fun in Fallen, and became just another angel, trying to control the future. I also didn't like the two teachers. I never felt comfortable when they were around, and again, I got annoyed that Luce was supposed to be at this school to gain more of an understanding of the world she now finds herself within, but they refused to help her access the information she needed. Everyone just assumes that they can arbitrarily tell Luce what she can and can't do with absolutely no explanation beyond, 'Because I said so' and she'd just going to go along with it.
I just didn't feel like there was a lot of positive about this book. I wasn't a huge fan, and that makes me sad. I wish that much of it this book had been done differently, because I still like the basic premise. About halfway through this book, I was undecided if I would keep reading the series or not. I have a pretty good idea about where/how the book is going to end (a few main points anyway) and an exploration of Luce and Daniel's previous incarnations didn't really appeal to me, which is what the third book, Passion, is purportedly about.
However, the best and most believable part about this book was the ending. I actually really enjoyed the ending, and felt that it's the first time every character acted according to their natures. And, it's made me very interested in seeing how the third book will play out. I'm definitely going to be picking up a copy now, and I just hope that the author lets up on some of the more ridiculously angsty moments.
*Disclaimer: I received this book through We Love YA! Tours.