*Warning — this review might be a little more spoilerish than normal. I'm not giving away anything major that I didn't know before reading the book, but the way we learn the information within the story makes it seem like you aren't supposed to know yet... I'm just saying. You've been warned.
I seem to be a little behind in my YA fads lately. I waited until all three books of The Hunger Games were out before I read them, I just read my first zombie book (more on that later!) and now, I've finished my first reading experience with fallen angels.

Fallen by Lauren Kate is an interesting novel, combining reincarnation with the idea of fallen angels. I think I liked the idea. I say 'I think' because Kate keeps so much information away from us readers, that it's hard to really know what the story is about. I was about 120 pages into it when I was asked what it was about, and I had to reply with 'I don't really know'. They looked at me weird, and asked if that was really my bookmark, because I couldn't possibly be that far, and not know what the book was about. But, other than mentioning the main character and the mysterious reasons for her trip to reform school where she meets two boys who
both warm and confuse her, all I could do was guess as to where Kate was going with things.
I also felt that with how long it too us to get there, that the resolution was more than a little rushed.We spend the whole book building up to this climactic crescendo. To be musically nerdy for a moment, we are building up to this huge fortissimo, but it only lasts for about 2 notes before dropping down to a nice mezzo-forte. That's a lot of build up, and not a lot of delivery.
However, the book is written well enough that I didn't always mind. I found myself captivated by her writing style and the world she created. Her descriptions were breathtaking, and I found myself wishing that I could visit this decaying monstrosity that much have been stunning at one point.
Even though I didn't always completely understand/connect with Luce, I liked her as a character. I actually thought the characterization in this novel was great. I especially loved Penn. She was wonderful. I thought that most of the characters were real and well portrayed, and it was great getting to know them. I look forward to reading more about them in Torment. Oh, and I also have to admit that a lot of what drew me to this books (and the sequel) was the covers. I think they are stunning! Love them!
Even with all the flaws and faults to this story, I definitely enjoyed it. The characters were awesome, the writing beautiful and the story just interesting enough to let me over look what I didn't love. I'm definitely looking forward to Torment, and hopefully having a few more questions answered!