Becky over at Escapism through Books has given me The Prolific Blogger Award! I'm pretty excited! It's been a great week for me! So, here is the award!

"A prolific blogger is one who is intellectually productive, keeping up an active blog with enjoyable content. After accepting this award, recipients are asked to pass it forward to seven other deserving blogs."
Isn't that nice?! So thank you Becky! It definitely made my day!
Here are the blogs I think are also deserving of this award:
1 — After the Fall
2 — Roof Beam Reader
3 — The Next Best Book Blog
4 — Dad at the Chalkboard
Head over and check out their blogs! I know I'm supposed to be giving it to 7 bloggers, but I wanted to get this posted today, and I'm super busy. These are the blogs that immediately came to mind, which mean, of course, that they are extra great! Maybe throughout the next few days I'll add more (no promises though.)