Today, I stumbled across another read-a-thon, hosted by Kristen over at Bookworming in the 21st Century. It's a TBR pile read-a-thon, which is great for me, because mine is getting a little out of control and I'm running out of space for it. I don't have a lot of space right now, so most of my things that are not immediately necessary and urgently needed (i.e. clothing and something to eat off) are in storage. Sadly, this includes a vast majority of my books. While there are some exceptions, I've tried to only put the books into storage that I've already read, keeping all those that need to be read out. And, or course, there's all the books I keep buying as well. Any book I've purchased within this year is lying around. So, when I stumbled across this read-a-thon, it seemed like a great excuse to knock off some of those books, and finish off a bunch of review copies...
I also plan to do much better with my review posting while I read. I've been a little lax lately, and I have a stack of books that I've read sitting by my desk waiting to be reviewed.
The read-a-thon started today, but it lasts until this Sunday, July 25. That's a long time to read! I did some reading today, but not a ton, so I'm going to start in earnest tomorrow. For right now, my goal with be one book and one review a day, while also making an effort for a second review. We'll see how it goes! I plan to read mostly books I already own, but I think I might slip a few I have out from the library in as well. That stack it just as unmanageable!
I also think some help in deciding which books I should read would be very helpful. One of my favorite ways to get a book recommendation, when I have a ton to read and am not sure where to start is to ask people for a few random numbers. I have all my books in a pile, waiting to be read, and I number the pile accordingly. So, if I could ask a favor — I'd love to get comments from you, my readers, with a 1-3 numbers from 1-30. I will then pick through your 'recommendations' and decide what to read from there. I do have a few books that I've already decided need to be read within the next few days, so this will definitely help me get the motivation I need to get those out of the way!
Thanks everyone and happy reading! If you want to sign up to read with us, head over here.