Systematic Student + review

TBR — Read-A-Thon Update...

Well, I know I posted to say that I was going to take part in this cool TRB read-a-thon, and I was so excited, because I had a bunch of books I needed to get read but... Life kind of got in the way. This week was much busier than I had anticipated, and I ended up getting very little reading done. I didn't do too much in the way of reviewing either.

However, this did motivate me to finish reading one of the books on my TBR that had been there for a while, so that's a positive thing. I wish I had gotten more reading done, but I had way too many other things going on. Hopefully, I'll be able to knock the rest of these books off my TBR soon! We'll see how that goes!

art, book, life, random, and more:

TBR — Read-A-Thon Update... + review