Hey everyone and thanks for stopping by! I'm glad to see you visiting from the hop! This week has been pretty crazy and I haven't posted as much as I would have liked, but next would should be lots of fun, so I'm pretty excited to get back to more regular posts. Next week I'm participating in the Once Upon a Read-A-Thon as well as focusing more time and attention to the Body Image and Self-Perception Month reading and reviewing I'm working on. (See details in my post here.) Feel free to include comments, encouragements, thoughts etc. and check back next week and later this month for more updates!!

To answer Jen's question over at the Crazy for Books blog hop, my favorite authors change regularly. I have several favorites from early childhood (Willo Davis Robers, Mary Downing Hahn etc) some from middle childhood/early teen years (Mary Higgins Clark, Robin McKinley, Cynthia Voigt, Ann Rinaldi etc etc etc) and now that I've reached adulthood, I don't think I can actually decide. I read so many great authors, and am exposed to so many more all the time, that I think my favorite authors are now defined by the best books I've read recently. Wow... Such a hard question! I just love books, which makes (almost) all authors great by association!
Please, feel free to check out my contest, details found here. Feel free to enter! Just write me a short sentence and have fun with it! Even if you don't want to win anything, or aren't interested in the dictionary, I love reading random sentences and would love to see what you can come up with!
And of course, leave me a comment to let me know how you found me, and leave a link back to your blog so I can stop by, check it out and say HI back! It's such a great way to find new blogs! Be reading you soon!