I know that I said I wasn't going to participate in any more challenges this year (ha! 2011 now!:) ) but I saw this one, and decided to go for it.
I have a bunch of books that I've been wanting to reread for a while now, but I have so many other books to read, that it's hard to find the time. But I found a new challenge, and I decided to participate so I could reread some old favorites.

Midnight Book Girl is hosting a Read Me Baby One More Time Challenge. You can chose your level of participation based on how many books you want to try and reread, and I've decided to go with Groundhog Day, which is 13-20 rereads, although I might change that to Back to the Future, which is 9-12.
I want to reread a bunch of old favorite series, which means getting to 12 or 13 shouldn't be that hard, especially because two of the series I'm considering for the reread are 7 books each.
I'm not totally sure which books I'm going to select for this yet, but I'm thinking about rereading The Tillerman Saga by Cynthia Voigt, which are 7 books beginning with Homecoming, the 4 Novels of Kingdom beginning Jackaroo also by Voigt, The Hero and the Crown, and The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, Midnight in the Dollhouse and When the Dolls Woke by Marjorie Stover, and of course, my long time favorite, Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls.
We'll see what happens! I'm pretty excited to have an excuse to reread these old favorites! I'd love to hear from you if you are participating also!