Up for grabs today is a whole lot of awesome! Feast your eyes on these beauties:

Lucy Scarborough is only 17, but she carries the burden of a curse that has already struck down several women in her family. Each of her afflicted ancestors failed at completing three seemingly impossible tasks, and each succumbed to madness at the birth of her first child. Facing this tragic fate, Lucy braces herself for a losing battle. Mercifully, she has allies in her struggle: intensely sympathetic foster parents and her loyal childhood friend Zach.

Phoebe finds herself drawn to Mallory, the strange and secretive new kid in school, and the two girls become as close as sisters... until Mallory's magnetic older brother, Ryland, shows up during their junior year. Ryland has an immediate, exciting hold on Phoebe, but a dangerous hold, for she begins to question her feelings about her best friend and, worse, about herself. Soon she'll discover the shocking truth about Ryland and Mallory: that these two are visitors from the faerie realm who have come to collect on an age-old debt. Generations ago, the faerie queen promised Pheobe's ancestor five extraordinary sons in exchange for the sacrifice of one ordinary female heir. But in hundreds of years there hasn't been a single ordinary girl in the family, and now the faeries are dying. Could Phoebe be the first ordinary one? Could she save the faeries, or is she special enough to save herself?
Misty says: I'm not going to lie (and it wouldn't do any good, because everyone already knows) I am a sucker for a good cover. These are two that I want to just display prominently and treat like art. So beautiful! Both have been featured on The Book Rat before:
Friday Face Off | TBR Tuesday | First Pages: Extraordinary
You can check out our reviews, too:
Misty: Impossible | Ashley: Extraordinary | Misty: Extraordinary (coming soon!)
Want to win one of these delicious lovelies for yourself? We have 3 prizes to offer up, which break down like this:
- 1 person will win a paperback of Impossible!
- 1 person will win an ARC of Extraordinary!
- 1 person will win a prize pack of both books!
Here are the questions: ~Rapunzel is named after lettuce; what odd thing would you be named after if you were in a fairy tale? Using that name, give us a line from your life as a fairy tale...
~Best fairy tale villain and why? ~Favorite tale from childhood? ~Favorite tale as an adult? ~Least favorites?
~If you could be any fairy tale character, or live through any fairy tale "happening," who/what would it be?
~Would you rather... and Why: - — live under a bridge with a troll, or all alone in a high tower? - — ride everywhere in a pumpkin carriage (messy) or walk everywhere in glass shoes (uncomfortable)? - — have a fairy godmother or a Prince Charming? - — eat magic beans or golden eggs? - — style 50ft long hair or polish 100 pairs of glass slippers? - — be forced to spin straw into gold for hours on end, or dance every night until your shoes are worn through?
- Must answer at least 1 question in detail* to enter (at least 2 to enter for the prize pack); each additional question earns you another entry *ie no 1 word answers
- Make sure we have a way to contact you
- If you have a preference on which book you win, leave it with your answer
- +1 for tweeting
- US only
- Ends
May 5thMay 8th! - HAVE FUN!