I love book lists. And reading books from those lists. It's part of why I like challenges so much. I love being able to cross a book off my list. It makes me feel like I'm definitely accomplishing something. I love them! Whether it's a list I put together myself, like the Fill-in-the-Gaps reading challenge, a prize list, like the Newbery Award, or the Printz Award, or a list that someone else compiled, like the BBC's Big Read, I love them.
But, my sister mocks me. Especially when I find a book I didn't particularly like because I was reading from a list. (Gay-Neck, I'm looking at you!) It hasn't changed my reading preference — I simply point out the books to her that I read and loved because of lists, especially the ones I then recommend to her.

But, it does make me wonder. Am I the only person who loves reading lists? Does anyone else search for great book lists to add to their to-read piles, and gleefully highlight/cross-out the books from said list once they've been read?
So, I'm asking you, because that's what book blogs are for, right? Communication and the sharing of brilliance? So, who out there is like me, and loves them some reading lists? And, who is like my sister, laughing at the rest of us as we stumble through that (hopefully rare) bad addition? And, why? What makes them attractive, or repulsive to you?