I love Read-a-Thons, and I haven't participated in one for a while. So, when I heard that The Bookish Type and Book-Savvy were hosting a Read-a-Thon, I knew I wanted to sign up. So, head on over to their blogs to participate in the Out with a Bang Read-a-Thon!

Here are the details, as listed on their sites:
The Readathon will run from December 29 — 31 and participants will be reading as many books as they can during that time! This Readathon is mainly to finish off the fabulous debuts for the Debut Author Challenge, but participants don't have to focus on that category if they have non-debut books that they would like to finish before 2010 ends.
And, if you need an extra incentive to participate, we'll also be giving away tons of swag and books during the Readathon (and a lot of it will be signed!)
Several awesome authors have been kind enough to donate items! I will do a special thank you post once we have all the details so that I don't miss anyone!
Heather and I will be hosting giveaways during the event, and there will also be fun daily Mini-Challenges, hosted by the following fabulous bloggers: (see their sites for the list)