Hey everyone and thanks for stopping by! It's finally time for Blogfest, hosted by A Journey of Books. This is something that I've been excited about almost since I started blogging. I hope you've had fun stopping by everyone else's blogs, and that you will enjoy visiting mine! I'm still pretty new to this whole blogging thing (just reached my 3 month marker!) and I would love to hear what you think about my blog!
I have two giveaways planned for this weekend. They are open now, and will close Sunday, September 12th at 11:59 pm MST.
The first one will be open to the US only (sorry). A while ago, I review Vertical Run, a book I loved when I was younger. (Review here.) One of my friends who reads my blog saw that I loved it and found a copy of it while she was in a used book store. So, she grabbed it for me and brought it over. I was really excited, because I love the book, but... I already own a copy. (One that I've read many times). So, I'm giving away the one in better condition. Although it is in good condition, it's been read a time or two and there is a crease along the spine. But, the book is definitely worth it.
Fill out THIS FORM to enter!
The other giveaway will be open internationally, and will be slightly more complex... I will ship you a brand new book, probably from The Book Depository, although the actual site may change. In the form below, there will be a place where you can list some of your wish-list books. If you have a want-to-own list on Goodreads or Library Thing or Amazon or Barnes and Noble or a word document (etc etc etc) you can link that as well. Give me a list of books you would really like to own, and I'll see that you get at least one thing from the list. What I actually send to you will remain a surprise though, and then it can be like your birthday in a box.:)
Fill out THIS FORM to enter!
You don't have to be a follower to enter either of the giveaways, although it will help your chances. All extra entry options are included in the form. You are more than welcome to enter both giveaways, but you can only win one of them.
If you are participating in Blogfest, here is a link to a tracking site that will make it easier for you to keep track of which of the 250+ blogs you've already visited. Not only will it help you keep track of where you've been, every blog you check off on the site will enter you in a chance to win a great grand Blogfest prize!
So, thanks for stopping by my site, and entering my giveaway! Next on the list is Romance To Make Your Heart Race. It is a romance blog, and Wendi includes a content warning for only 18+, but if you enjoy romance (and are old enough to view the content) it's worth checking out! I hope you are enjoying Blogfest! Can't wait to see who wins!