Hey everyone and thanks for visiting! I'm once again participating in this lovely Friday hop/follow gig hosted by both Crazy for Books and Parajunkee's View. I'd love to hear from you, so please, if you are visiting from either site, please leave me a comment so I know you stopped by, and a link to your site so that I can return the favor!
I'd also love for you to enter my giveaways. They are listed at the very top of the sidebar on the right, and you don't need to do anything special to enter, just leave me a comment!
I'm also semi-participating in the From Dusk until Dawn Read-A-Thon hosted by Book Crazy. It's come at the most perfect time and the absolute worst time for me. I've been experiencing some insomnia lately, which isn't totally uncommon, because I am most definitely a night person, but it's been a little worse than normal. So, I have plenty of awake time at night to read. However, that's bad, because I really should be doing things to combat the insomnia, not encourage it. But who doesn't love an excuse to read, right?! So, I'm trying to accomplish a little bit, while (hopefully) not going overboard).
Now, to answer Jen's question, Yes. I do use a rating system for my books, although I only post it as a tag. I rarely mention it in my actual post/review about the book. I use this because this blog was meant for a way to communicate how much I love books to other people, the way I talk with them to my friends. (One only has so many friends, and eventually they get tired of only hearing about books. Sigh...) Anyway, when I talk to family or friends about a book I just read, those ratings are pretty close to how I talk to people in real life. I have actually said, 'meh' when someone asked me what I thought about a book. And, I've definitely used 'basically amazing' before!:) You can see a list of the ratings that I use in my right sidebar.
I can't wait to find me some new blogs!:) Thanks again for stopping by!