It's Friday again, which means that both Parajunkee's View and Crazy for Books are hosting their weekly blog hops. I think it's a lot of fun to participate and love meeting new bloggers and finding new blogs! (And, I just have to say how totally excited I am that it's Friday the 13th. It's like... Awesome!)
If you are new, Welcome! Please leave me a comment with your blog URL so I can return the favor! And, please, enter my current giveaway for Samantha Bee's hilarious memior, I know I am but what are you?. You can find it HERE.

Jennifer asks us a question each week. Today's question is How many books are on your TBR Shelf?
Well, if it was a shelf of books that I actually own needing to be read? Almost 200. However, if it's all the books that I want to read and think, I need to read that someday? Then the number is actually closer to 1400.:) I love books!
Thanks again for dropping by!!