I'm participating in a tour hosted through the Teen Book Scene for the book Chasing Alliecat by Rebecca Fjelland Davis. A large part of this book revolves around bicycles and their importance to the main character. There is a charity Davis is involved with, Global Giving that is collecting donations to provide girls in India with bicycles so that they can make it to school. They also provide money to help pay for education beyond what it offered free by the state.
For every meaningful comment that is left on one of the blog posts for this tour, Davis will donate a dollar to this charity. Here is the link to the charity again — Global Giving.
So, if you would like to help make a difference in a young girls life, take a few minutes and visit the blogs involved with this book tour and leave some thoughtful comments. Here is a link to the Teen Book Scene's Chasing Alliecat Tour Homepage. Your comments will change someone's life! So, stop by and keep your eyes open for my posts coming up.