I have been in a bit of a reading slump lately. I have a few ideas as to why that it, most of which are directly related to feeling like all the books I *should* be reading, but aren't yet are staring at me from my shelves and judging me. I see it in the way they *look* at me, and it's made picking up that next book to read hard.
So, when I saw on Twitter that Jenn from Jenn's Bookshelves was hosting a Read-a-Thon today, I decided that I should jump on that, and participate.
in my blog IF YOU WANT TO JOIN UP TOO!!:)
So, here I am! I do have stuff that I need to get done today, so I know I won't be reading all day. And, I am actually going to be watching at least part of the game. I'm not a huge football fan, but I enjoy watching upon occasion, and my brother-in-law is the best person I have ever watched a game with. The Steelers are his team, and he gets so invested in the games, and watching, that he's probably more fun to watch that the game itself. Then, add in the fact that my best friend has wanted to go to a legit Superbowl party for as long as I've known her (legit meaning not just another excuse to hang out in a living room w/ people who don't understand the game) and she was thrilled when I told her my BiL invited her to theirs.
But, I know I won't watch the whole game, and there's a bunch of time before and after the game when I'll be able to read. And, having a reason I'm supposed to be reading, is hopefully going to motivate me to actually, well, do it!
So, my plans for today are pretty conservative. I want to finish one book, get started on a second and begin East of Eden for a read-a-long I'm participating in. I'm supposed to have 80 pages read by Tuesday, and I haven't even opened the book yet. O_0 So, that's the minimum I'd like to get done, but more would be awesome!
What are you reading today?