Misty over at Book Rat likes Fairy Tales. I like Fairy Tales. So, together we are hosting the upcoming Fairy Tale Fortnight (link takes you to Misty's intro post).
The event will run from April 17th — April 30 and will be chock full of nothing but Fairy Tale goodness!
There will be reviews, giveaways, guest bloggers, interviews and lots of great stories, both traditional fairy tales, and the more fairy tale, esque stories. Even my Memory Monday guest poster will be talking about Fairy Tales!
Both Misty and I are looking for other bloggers who would like to participate and contribute! Misty even has a special giveaway reserved only for those who participate in some way or another. We'd love to have you all apart of this! It's going to be totally awesome! It's getting pretty close to the event, but we'd still love to talk to you! If you'd like to participate, send me an email at basicallyamazingbooks [at] gmail [dot] com
Misty has also created some absolutely lovely buttons. Feel free to grab one to put on your blog!