Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman is hilariously good fun. It's the story of a girl who goes undercover to an all boys school to get the inside scoop on how they really think. Reading about the situations Natalie gets herself involved in are the epitome of awkwardness. So many scenes are laugh out loud funny and totally cringe-worthy.
I was impressed with the characterizations, because they author didn't rely too heavily on stereotypes. Natalie and her best friends Chloe and Darcy talked, acted and reacted a lot like a high school girl would have. These three characters felt especially authentic to me, which is very important, especially when I'm reading a book knowing it's only going to be a good time.
Natalie in particular is just what you'd think of a high school girl. She's a little full of herself, and expects everyone else to be interested and concerned with who and how she is. She thinks she knows everything, and has all the answers. She's definitely shocked when she learns that none of the guys in her high school think her dating advice is worth anything, and she has a little crisis of personality while she tries to work her way through that. (Enter awkward moments now).
I also loved that Emilio, Natalie's new love interest (and new roommate... of course) is a person. With, like, feelings and stuff. For real. Way too often in YA stories, the main love interest is a hunk, absolutely gorgeous with swoon-worthy eyes, too die for lips, rock hard abs and... nothing else. No personality, no emotion beyond — I want to jump you, which of course means I will love you forever. Ahem. Right, I'm so sure. Emilio, while definitely being hott, has more to him than just the exterior package. We see moments of emotion, (more than just anger) and he's close with his sister. There's more to him than just a pretty face, and their relationship (out of necessity) starts out as friends.
This is a book I highly recommend to someone looking for fun. There are some serious moments, and insights you can definitely learn from, but mostly, it's a fun story about a girl being a little bit crazy, and wearing a sock. (hahaha! I about laughed myself silly over that one, and in public too!) And, I love the cover! I totally want to get me a mustache finger tattoo!:)
*Disclaimer: I received this book through Around the World Tours.